Resource endpoints

Get a list of records for a collection

Requires authentication

Returns all records of the current user for this collection.

Collection can be one of the Firefox Sync collections:

The default collections used by Firefox to store sync data are:

  • bookmarks
  • history
  • forms
  • prefs
  • tabs
  • passwords

The following additional collections are used for internal management purposes by the storage client:

  • clients
  • crypto
  • keys
  • meta

The returned value is a JSON mapping containing:

  • data: the list of records, with exhaustive fields;

A Total-Records response header indicates the total number of records in the collection.

A Last-Modified response header provides a human-readable (rounded to second) version of the current collection timestamp.

For cache and concurrency control, an ETag response header gives the value that consumers can provide in subsequent requests using If-Match and If-None-Match headers (see the section about timestamps).

GET /buckets/syncto/collections/(collection_id)/records

Example request:

    http GET \
        --auth-type fxa-browserid --auth "" -v

GET /v1/buckets/syncto/collections/history/records HTTP/1.1
Authorization: BrowserID eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9...FHGg
User-Agent: HTTPie/0.9.2
X-Client-State: 64e8bc35e90806f9a67c0ef8fef63...

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Content-Length, Quota-Remaining, Alert, \
    Retry-After, Last-Modified, Total-Records, ETag, Backoff, Next-Page
Content-Length: 1680
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Date: Tue, 06 Oct 2015 13:57:24 GMT
ETag: "1442849064460"
Last-Modified: Mon, 21 Sep 2015 15:24:24 GMT
Total-Records: 6

    "data": [
            "id": "VLkOS7iT5C94",
            "last_modified": 1441868927070,
            "payload": "{\"ciphertext\":\"Wf2AoZiOly...\",\"IV\":\"jW7JFPf...\",\"hmac\":\"989352d9b5e0c6...\"}",
            "sortindex": -1
            "id": "qYYobAN_p9vS",
            "last_modified": 1441868927070,
            "payload": "{\"ciphertext\":\"3upjoLrO...7\",\"IV\":\"3O/nPq82xUT...\",\"hmac\":\"addce0f9d3024ed9fd0042b...\"}",
            "sortindex": 100
Status Codes:

Filtering and Sorting

Firefox Sync filtering options are exposed in syncto.

  • _since with the ETag value to fetch changes from the previous time.
  • _sort can be either newest, oldest, or index (as well as -last_modified, last_modified, and -sortindex).
  • _limit to limit the number of items per pages (no limit by default).
  • in_ids to define the list of requested records IDs.


Contrary to what Kinto does, the Total-Records only counts the number of records contained in the current request for now.

You may ask the request without the _limit parameter to get all the records at once.

Polling for changes

The _since parameter is provided as an alias for gt_last_modified. (Greater than last_modified)

If the request header If-None-Match is provided as described in the section about timestamps and if the collection was not changed, a 304 Not Modified response is returned.

Additionnal headers

The Quota-Remaining header is not part of the Kinto protocol yet but is passed through if present in Firefox Sync responses.

Its value is in Kilobyte (KB).

Get a collection record

Requires authentication

Returns a specific record by its id. The GET response body is a JSON mapping containing:

  • data: the record with exhaustive schema fields;

IDs are kept between Firefox Sync and Syncto.

Firefox Sync IDs are generated on client side as 9 random Bytes encoded in urlsafe base64 (+ and / are replaced with - and _).

If the request header If-None-Match is provided, and if the record has not changed meanwhile, a 304 Not Modified is returned.

GET /buckets/syncto/collections/(collection_id)/records/(record_id)

Example request:

$ http GET \ \
    Authorization:"BrowserID eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9...i_dQ" \

GET /v1/buckets/syncto/collections/history/records/d2X1O6-DyeFS HTTP/1.1
Authorization: BrowserID eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9...i_dQ
User-Agent: HTTPie/0.9.2
X-Client-State: 64e8bc35e90806f9a67c0ef8fef63...

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Content-Length, Alert, Retry-After, Last-Modified, ETag, Backoff
Content-Length: 289
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Date: Tue, 06 Oct 2015 14:18:40 GMT
ETag: "1441868927070"
Last-Modified: Thu, 10 Sep 2015 07:08:47 GMT

    "data": {
        "id": "d2X1O6-DyeFS",
        "last_modified": 1441868927070,
        "payload": "{\"ciphertext\":\"75IcW3P4WxUJipehWryevc+ygK5vojh3n...\",\"IV\":\"Sj3U2Nkk2IjE...\",\"hmac\":\"c6a530f348...b68b610351\"}",
        "sortindex": 2000
Status Codes:

Delete a record

Requires authentication

Delete a specific record by its id.

Note that contrary to what Kinto does, Firefox Sync count on clients to create deleted records tombstones. Moreover Firefox Sync tombstones are encrypted and look like real records for Syncto.

This endpoint should not be used to create tombstones but to remove the record when the client decides that all clients already fetched the tombstone.

By default this endpoint is deactivated and should be activated on a per collection basis.

DELETE /buckets/syncto/collections/(collection_id)/records/(record_id)

Example request:

$ http DELETE \ \
    Authorization:"BrowserID eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9...i_dQ" \

DELETE /v1/buckets/syncto/collections/history/records/d2X1O6-DyeFS HTTP/1.1
Authorization: BrowserID eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9...i_dQ
User-Agent: HTTPie/0.9.2
X-Client-State: 64e8bc35e90806f9a67c0ef8fef63...

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Content-Length, Alert, Retry-After, Last-Modified, ETag, Backoff
Content-Length: 0
Date: Tue, 06 Oct 2015 14:18:40 GMT
Status Codes:

Create or Update a record

Requires authentication

Create or replace a record with its id. The PUT body is a JSON mapping containing:

  • data: the values of the resource schema fields;

Because IDs are created on client side for Firefox Sync, this is the only endpoint that you can use either to create new record or to update them.

If you want to make sure that you don’t erase an existing record when creating one, you can use the If-None-Match: * header value.

The PUT response body is a JSON mapping containing:

  • data: the newly created/updated record, if all posted values are valid;

If the request header If-Match is provided, and if the record has changed meanwhile, a 412 Precondition failed error is returned.

There are no validation nor on the id format nor on the payload body.

By default this endpoint is deactivated and should be activated on a per collection basis.

PUT /buckets/syncto/collections/(collection_id)/records/(record_id)

Example request:

$ echo '{
     "data": {
         "payload": "{\"ciphertext\":\"75IcW3P4WxUJipehWryevc+ygK5vojh3nOadu7YSX9zJSm3eBHu5lNIg1UtDyt3b\",\"IV\":\"Sj3U2Nkk2IjE2S59hv0m7Q==\",\"hmac\":\"c6a530f3486142d1069f80bfaff907e0cc077a892cf7f9bd62f943b68b610351\"}",
         "sortindex": 2000
 }' | http PUT \ \
    Authorization:"BrowserID eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9...i_dQ" \

PUT /v1/buckets/syncto/collections/history/records/d2X1O6-DyeFS HTTP/1.1
Authorization: BrowserID eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9...i_dQ
Content-Length: 275
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: HTTPie/0.9.2
X-Client-State: 64e8bc35e90806f9a67c0ef8fef63...

    "data": {
        "payload": "{\"ciphertext\":\"75IcW3P4WxUJipehWryevc+ygK5vojh3nOadu7YSX9zJSm3eBHu5lNIg1UtDyt3b\",\"IV\":\"Sj3U2Nkk2IjE2S59hv0m7Q==\",\"hmac\":\"c6a530f3486142d1069f80bfaff907e0cc077a892cf7f9bd62f943b68b610351\"}",
        "sortindex": 2000

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Content-Length, Alert, Retry-After, Last-Modified, ETag, Backoff
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 289
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Date: Fri, 09 Oct 2015 10:04:13 GMT
ETag: "1444385059190"
Last-Modified: Fri, 09 Oct 2015 10:04:19 GMT

    "data": {
        "id": "d2X1O6-DyeFS",
        "last_modified": 1444385059190,
        "payload": "{\"ciphertext\":\"75IcW3P4WxUJipehWryevc+ygK5vojh3nOadu7YSX9zJSm3eBHu5lNIg1UtDyt3b\",\"IV\":\"Sj3U2Nkk2IjE2S59hv0m7Q==\",\"hmac\":\"c6a530f3486142d1069f80bfaff907e0cc077a892cf7f9bd62f943b68b610351\"}",
        "sortindex": 2000
Status Codes: